Yuan Gao bio photo

Yuan Gao

Just another brain investigator and robot scientist.

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As a lifetime roboticist who wants to explore the boundaries of transhumanism, I am interested in developing AI-driven robots that can think and feel like real humans (e.g. Ex Machina). In particular, I am interested in deep/reinforcement/neuro-based learning approaches for robotic perception, control, and physical modelling of the robot’s environment. Currently, I am working on projects that can fill the gap between deep reinforcement learning and social robotics.

In our Uppsala social robotics lab, we aim to answer a fundamental question: How could robots learn like humans? We achieve this by researching and developing new robot learning models using machine learning theories. The key of our research is to understand what interactive elements make the learning process different and how could we build efficient learning models for human-robot interaction. Our research is multi-disciplinary and it requires knowledge of different fields. Except for machine learning algorithms, we also investigate computational psychology models. We conduct both fundamental and applied research together with our collaborators around the world.

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