Embarking on a lifelong odyssey as a roboticist, I am captivated by the frontiers of transhumanism. My fascination lies in crafting AI-driven robots that not only mimic the cognitive faculties but also the emotive resonance of real humans, akin to the thought-provoking portrayals in Ex Machina. My focus is on the development of deep, reinforcement, and neuro-inspired learning methodologies to enhance robotic perception, control, and physical modelling of the robot’s environment. Presently, I am immersed in projects that bridge the chasm between deep reinforcement learning and the burgeoning field of social robotics.
Within the walls of our lab on societalization of heterogenous multi-robot system, we pose a fundamental inquiry: How could robots learn like humans? Our quest is to unravel this mystery by delving into and crafting novel robot learning models, grounded in the theories of machine learning. The crux of our exploration lies in deciphering the interactive elements that set the learning process apart and in constructing efficient learning models tailored for human-robot interaction.
Our research is a tapestry of multi-disciplinary expertise, demanding a fusion of knowledge across various domains. Beyond the intricacies of machine learning algorithms, we delve into the realms of computational psychology models. Together with our global collaborators, we embark on a dual mission of conducting both fundamental and applied research, striving to push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of human-robot interaction.